Thursday, 30 September 2010

mass media

Its a section of media designed especially to reach a larger audience.The term was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-circulation newspapers and magazines. However, some forms of mass media such as books and manuscripts had already been in use for centuries. Nowadays also The internet..


Its a special kind of elections, held to fill office that has become vacant between regularly scheduled elections
 . Usually this occurs when the incumbent has died or resigned, but it may also occur when the incumbent becomes ineligible to continue in office, for example because of a recall, ennoblement (colloquially known in the United Kingdom as being "kicked upstairs") or a sufficiently serious criminal conviction. By-elections have also been called as a result of a constituency election being invalidated due to voting irregularities regulary scheduled

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Voter turnout

Voter turnout is the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election. After increasing for many decades, there has been a trend of decreasing voter turnout in most established democracies since the 1960s. in general low turnout might be the reason of indifference and dissatisfaction.
Voters turnouts differ from each other. The highest one are to be found in compulsory voting countries such as Australia(96% during last elections).The lowest In Poland(51%) due to the fact almost 50 % of polish population had ascended to the divine enlightenment . We know that taking part in the elections wont change a why  lose our precious time to do so?

Monday, 27 September 2010


Lobbying is any kind of pressure exerted on certain groups in order to achieve some goal.It is most common in politics for pressure groups to lobby politicians and/or media.
There are two main types of pressure groups:insider and outsider.
Insider pressure groups influence the political process,they have links connecting them with decision makers and usually are consulted by the goverment. Outsider groups are on the other hand outside the political process, either they dont want to take part in it or they simply cant(i.e because of their radical views)
Lobbying is a part of the politics.Many people consider it as something wrong since more resourceful pressure groups tend to have more influence in politics. There is a risk that Big Business can lobby for decision and acts that are against the common good of the society(i.e big tobacco companies)

Friday, 17 September 2010

Political apathy

its an indifference towards political events(elections,referendums etc) and politics as such. Epicureanism represented this point of view. According to Epicurus, philosopher should stay in the quiet of his home, living simple life in harmony with nature. Only in dire need for the country he leaves his shelter only to come back there after the situation will be resolved


Political pluralism - in a democracy, one of the rules of the parliamentary party system, which consists of the existence of two or more political parties representing the various programs and orientations, fighting to gain power in the country. Freedom means the operation of many organizations in the country. An important indicator of pluralism is, therefore, legitimacy and freedom of political opposition.

Polish-Lithuanian noble democracy

Thursday, 16 September 2010


Democracy is a form of  goverment where governing power comes from the people. Colloquially we can say that power comes from the people which couldnt be more wrong. The term comes from the ancient greek: demos(people) and kratos(power). Depending of how the authorities are being chosen we distinguish DIRECT democracy when all authorized members of the society are allowed to vote.Due to impossibility to achieve that in modern , usually big societes we use referendums instead.Second form is representative democracy where people are represented by elected representatives.According to many one of the worst political systems...